Bitwise Operations Tool - Multiple Operands

Welcome to the Bitwise Operations Tool! This tool allows you to perform bitwise operations on multiple operands and view the results in various numeral systems. Bitwise operations are essential for manipulating data at the bit level, often used in programming and digital electronics.


Binary: N/A

Octal: N/A

Decimal: N/A

Hexadecimal: N/A

How to Use the Tool:

  1. Enter the decimal numbers in the "Operand 1" and "Operand 2" fields. You can add more operands by clicking the "Add Operand" button.
  2. Select the bitwise operation you want to perform from the dropdown menu. Note that the NOT operation will be applied to each operand individually.
  3. Click "Perform Operation" to see the results in Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal formats.
  4. If needed, you can remove an operand by clicking the "Remove Operand" button.

Bitwise Operations Explained:

  • AND: Performs a bitwise AND operation. The result has a bit set to 1 if both corresponding bits of the operands are 1.
  • OR: Performs a bitwise OR operation. The result has a bit set to 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits of the operands is 1.
  • XOR: Performs a bitwise XOR operation. The result has a bit set to 1 if only one of the corresponding bits of the operands is 1.
  • NOT: Performs a bitwise NOT operation on each operand. This inverts all the bits of each operand (turns 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s).

Operand Management:

You can manage the number of operands in the tool by using the "Add Operand" and "Remove Operand" buttons. This flexibility allows you to perform bitwise operations with more than two operands.

Bit Layout Visualization

The Bit Layout Visualization helps you understand how the bits are arranged and how the operations affect each bit. It visually represents the binary values of the operands and the result, allowing for a clearer understanding of the bitwise operations.

More Information:

  • Binary: A base-2 numeral system using digits 0 and 1. Commonly used in computing and digital electronics.
  • Octal: A base-8 numeral system using digits 0-7. Sometimes used in computing for compact representation.
  • Decimal: A base-10 numeral system using digits 0-9. The most common numeral system used in everyday life.
  • Hexadecimal: A base-16 numeral system using digits 0-9 and letters A-F. Often used in programming and digital electronics for more compact representation of binary data.

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